How it's made: DIY - Sweater with pearls

Pre neki dan, dok sam šetala sa drugaricom, svratila sam u jedan butik da bacim pogled na novitete koje su dobili. Među stvarima koje su mi se dopale našao se i jedan duks koji mi se jako dopao. Imao je bisere po sebi i bio mi je baš lep. Nisam ga uzela, jer mi cena nije bila realna i negde sam shvatila da imam sličan duks i da bih mogla da improvizujem.
Otišla sam do kineza da kupim:
 kesu bisera ( 150dinara )
 konac  ( 50dinara )
 igle  ( 50 dinara )
Duks koji sam imala je kupljen pre tri godine na sniženju u Terranovi za 450 dinara. 
Sve ukupno kada se sabere izađe 700 dinara, što je skoro tri puta manje od duksa koji mi se dopao. Bisere nisam sve potrošila, ostalo mi je pola kesice za još neki DIY projekat :)
Nadam se da će vam se dopasti i da će vas motivisati da restaurirate svoje stare stvari :)
The day before. while I was walking with my friend through the store, I saw beautiful sweater with pearls, but since the price wasn't accessible, I decided to make my own sweater since I remembered that I have one old in my closet.
I went to the store to buy:
pearls ( 1e )
thread ( 0.50e )
pins ( 0.50e )
Sweater that I had in my closet, I bought three years ago in Terranova for 4e. So all this DIY project costed me 7e, which is three times cheaper than sweater that I wanted to buy.
I hope you'll like it, and that it will motivate you to restore you're old things :)
1.When you retract the thread, pull it through the fabric and make a strong knot.
2. Below fabrics underline the needle on the other side, put viser and thread.
3.Thread the needle again to the other side and make a knot.
You must consolidated pearl on the upper surface of t-shirts, so what tuck needle and thread through the switch and route.
You can do it with more pearls, it is the same thing.
Making a knot.
This is how it looks, I made a lot more, it is up to you.
I've done and sleeves, but I first cut the end.
It is the same process for the sleeves.
Jedan rukav sam uspela uredno da uradim, međutim na drugom se vide greške jer sam ga prvog radila :)
One sleeve I've done better than the other :)
You can cut the pattern so it looks like the pearls are at the end, but it is better like this to me.
Pokušala sam da uslikam napolju kako bi se lepše videlo, međutim dan je kišovit i tmuran tako da slika nije mogla ispasti bolje :)
Do sledećeg posta, ljubim vas :*
I tried to capture it outside, but it is rainy day so this is the best I could. 
Until the next post, kisses :*


  1. Meni je par puta padalo na pamet da uradim nesto slicno samo sa krupnijim nekim biserima, ali nisam se usudila. Jos uvek sam previse smotana za ovo, ali sad si me podsetila pa cu pokusati prvo na nekoj staroj majici. Tebi svaka cast, jer ovo izgleda divno! :)

    1. U pocetku je bas spetljano, posle udjes u stos :) Meni nije bio neki dan, pa sam trazila nacin kako da skrenem misli i ovo bas pomaze :)
      Probaj obavezno, pa na blog da vidimo :)

  2. Predobro je!!! Vidi se da ulažeš mnogo truda,nikad ne odustaj :*

  3. Trebam da pokusam :) Super izgleda

    1. Obavezno, nikad nije na odmet osvežiti stare stvari :)

  4. Randomly found your blog and can’t express how I like it! It was so interesting to read your posts and also I’d like to say that you have beautiful photos! I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    p.s. new post - how I met Victoria Beckham

    Diana Cloudlet

  5. you have so inspirational blog,amazing pics,GREAT JOB!
    let me know if you want to follow each other :)
    I will follow you back with a big pleasure for keep in touch
    have an amazing day
    big hug my new friend :)

  6. Da, da ti bas umes da redizajniras, svaka tebi cast :)
    Hvala :*

  7. E pa sad dok si u blazenom stanju probaj sigurno ces uspeti :) :*


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