
Showing posts from August, 2014

Travel - Monastery Moraca, Ostrog, Kumanice and Mileseva

Vikend putovanje :) Nema nista lepse nego kratak predah od svih obaveza tokom nedelje. Za ovaj put odabrala sam obilaske manastira. Tokom ovogodisnjih obaveza i problema koje su me snasle zapostavila sam ono sto mi je najvaznije a to je dusevni mir, koji mi je preko potreban s'obzirom da spadam u one ljude koji sve emotivno dozivljavaju i prezivljavaju, sto se bas dobro ne odrazava na zdravlje. Obzirom na sve sto mi se izdesavalo odlucila sam da pocnem vise da ulazem u putovanja i odmore, nego u stvari koje sam do sada radila. Tokom ovog putovanja obisla sam cetiri manastira. Vikend travel. There's nothing more better that short cut from all week obligations. For this trip I chose Monasteries. Through all things that happened to me I left out the most important thing and that is spiritual peace, which is the most important thing to me because I belong to people who are very emotional and on the same way I go through things, which is not good for my health. I went to f

Outfit - Nike heaven

Posle duzeg vremena opusten outfit post i konacno NIKE patike koju se pravi melem za moja stopala posle svakodnevnih nosenja stikli na posao. Jutros sam stigla sa puta, i jedva cekam da skupim sve slike i da vam prikazem gde sam to bila tri dana. Ljubim vas :* After a long time finally casual outfit and finally NIKE sneakers who are real heaven for my feet after wearing heels every day on my work. This morning I came from a three day trip and I can not wait to show you were I have been. Kiss :*

In love with Nine West

Od kada sam jedno vece slucajno naisla na reviju Nine West ostala sam zatecena koliko mi se sve dopalo. Nije postojala stvar koju ne bih nosila. Ovaj put sam odabrala omiljene komade torbi i obuce. Sledeci put ce biti garderoba. Kratak post, za mali predah od outfita, ali uskoro ce biti svega :) Since I saw a show of a Nine West I was surprised how I liked everything. There is no thing I wouldn't wear it. This time I chose bags and shoes and next time will be clothes. Short post for little break from outfits, but it will be everything soon :) Kisses

Saturday night :)


Shopping on SALE + Birthday presents

Mali soping moze da promeni raspolozenje jedne zene definitivno. Nisam ranije imala obicaj da idem u "velike sopinge" jer kada god sam to i pokusala nikada nisam nailazila na ono sto mi je lepo ili privlacno. Najcesce su to bile "usputne" kupovine, gde sam prilikom odlazaka na odredjena mesta, usput vidjala lepe stvari i tako ih kupovala. Ovaj mali soping koji sam obavila desio se spontano i sve se poklopilo.  Beograd, Usce, snizenje moja prva plata i ja. Moram priznati da sam se odusevila cenama i stvarima. Prikazala sam stvari i prvobitnu cenu kao i snizenu jer kazu da ono sto si ustedeo si ustvari i zaradio. Hajde da vidimo koliko sam na kraju zaradila ;) Little shopping can change woman's mood. I haven't use to go in to a big shopping because when I  wanted that I could not find anything that I like or that is attractive to me. Usually I had unintentional shopping. This little shopping had happened spontaneously. Belgrade, shopping center, sales my fi


 I have been looking for this bag such a long time. And I have been seeing her everywhere but it was so expensive and I saw so many colors and patterns, but I wanted just like this. Pure denim. I saw it in one store (next post will be about my sale shopping because I am looking for my discounts and I am trying to figure first prices of all thing that I have bought so I could compare them) and I instantly fall in love with it. It has pockets on perfect places and it is great for walks and everything. So I wanted also to show you my little organizer of this bag and my notebook for planning things. Jako dugo sam trazila torbu bas kao sto je ova. I vidjala sam je svagde u razlicitim bojama i dezenima, ali ja sam bas htela ovakvu. Cist teksas. Videla sam je u jednoj prodavnici (u sledecem postu ce biti o mojoj kupovini na rasprodaji jer jos uvek skupljam racune i pokusavam da nadjem prvobitnu cenu i da mogu sve da uporedim) odmah sam se zaljubila u nju. Ima dzepove na pravim mestima

White jacket for my work look

Hello my lovelies :) This is y outfit for work that I wore day before. Pictures are from my phone so there are not the best. This white jacket I bought and I can't wait to show you thing that I bought on sales. I feel like real business woman when I wore things like this and I am thinking to wore this as my uniform. Next post will be about my presents for birthday and my first big shopping on sales :) Kisses

OLD becomes NEW :)

You know what, I never care if something is new or old, is it a nice brand or it is not. I love comfy clothes. When I found this dress it was very long and I didn't like it. Then I got my scissors and cut it. (  I actually cut my clothes when I don't like it :D and I make it on my way) Sooooo now i like it a lot. This dress has over 30 years :) Hopy you like it :) Kisses Znate sta, nije mi vazno da li je nesto novo ili staro, da li je markirano ili nije. Volim udobnu odecu, JAda sam pronasla ovu haljinu kod mame u ormaun bila je jako dugacka i nije mi se svidela. Uzela sam makaze i isekla je ( inace nemam problem da pravim stvari onakvim kakvim mi se vise svidjaju :) Tako da mi se sada bas dopada : Ova haljina ima preko 30 godina :) Nadam e da vam se dopada :) Kiss :*

DIY shirt and comfy outfit for night walks

Hey my lovelies, I thought it would be cute to explain how I made this shirt in these pictures. It is not anything special but it is nice for a start with my DIY projects. I wore this shirt with my fave shorts for walks and of course CONVERSE :) Kisses

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